4 Seater Glass Dining Table Sets
Buying a dining table is a great challenge, as it is one of the most important pieces in this space. Today, it is much more difficult as it is found in many types, in many shapes and finishes.
The dining room table is one of the most used items since we eat three or more times a day. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a good quality one. Among those that are most used due to their standard shape are the 4-piece ones. That is why we proceed to describe some styles of 4 seater glass dining table.
Different 4 seater glass dining table styles
Being only four chairs allows several designs that fit different styles. For this reason, we present you three different forms of 4 seater glass dining table:
• Rectangular
That is one of the most classic, generating more space. It has a glass table that can be dark or transparent. You can have wooden or metal supports, as required. Its dimensions are 80cm wide x 130cm long x 76cm high and 80cm long, 140cm wide and 76cm high.
For their part, the chairs can vary in design, whether they are made of a fabric such as velvet or are simply plastic, as well as they can also have legs, both made of wood, metal, or plastic. And you can even find hybrids between these three materials. Therefore the options are varied.
• Square
They are compact, with limited space between people since the legs are parallel. In this case, the table glass may have sharp, pointed corners, while there are others with blunt-tipped corners. The legs can be made of oak-type wood, metal, or completely transparent plastic.
While in chairs, they are usually more modern, including wooden benches or stools with padded tops. But they also include regular chairs, mostly made of some kind of fabric like velvet or linen, and even semi-leather.
Therefore, different types of square tables can choose according to your tastes and different needs.
• Circular or round
Finally, the round ones, either in the shape of a circle or in an oval shape, allow more space. Both are dynamic and allow great dynamics between the seats, as they can constantly move.
Unlike the previous ones, the round ones allow more dynamic support. It can be a single cap with a base at the end or 3 to 4 legs located that fit diagonally in the middle. They can also be both metal and plastic, rarely wood.
They are usually accompanied by chairs that are covered in fabric such as velvet or linen. And they have more varied shapes, either horizontal simulating a sofa or traditionally vertical. Some even, with shapes at the bottom a little more abstract. Without a doubt, there is a choice according to the different tastes of each person, since these round tables are dynamic.
Where can I find these 4 seater glass dining table styles?
The best and recommended option is Elegant Furniture UK distributors. Well, it contains great styles of glass tables with four chairs of different models and colors. Contains free shipping throughout the UK and great deals on all your real estate sales. The best thing is that it has options for all these models that we describe, plus some a little different.
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