Privacy and Cookie Policy
Privacy Policy
Every company, shop or website where you want to make a subscription have a Privacy Policy, this happens because users need to know what they are facing when putting their personal data on the Internet; This in itself is a super complicated issue since there are always risks of identity theft and other similar crimes, that is why the importance of reading literally on them and thus avoid inconveniences.
Each web platform has its space where they explain in detail what kind of data they need from the user, in addition to the time they will have in their possession and the specific use that they will be given; this is because not all pages are the same, and everything varies depending on it. Elegant Furniture UK is not the exception to this rule and is that this furniture store has a space within their official page where you can see everything they do very well, even emphasize the incredible security they carry throughout the process, which means that nobody should worry that something goes wrong because they have it more than solved.
One thing that also has to be taken into consideration is the fact that the policies described there will be updated once again, this to maintain the order and progress of the law itself, although it can also be for internal improvements.
One of the most important policies on this page dictates the fact that every time you visit the Elegant Furniture UK website, data will always be collected for a complete analysis of which customers visit the site the most, their locations ... all this through of the use of external means, and what is the main objective of this? Improve the merchandise and the service in general thanks to the fact that the average user who visits them is better known.
In the case of placing an order, the thing gets a little more complicated for the client, because if in the previous case the data were collected indirectly here they have to be all without a margin of error, full name, email address, address, and telephone numbers, among others. As you can see here the thing becomes more personal, but there is no need to worry because only the information will be used for specific things such as confirmations, contact, or payment processes and of course.
The samples, although they are not valued by all, they are requested and when this happens they require certain information such as name, mail, address and telephone number, neither more nor less, besides clear that they will not be used for other purposes and the retention time will be more than 10 years. The forgetting of the person on the platform always takes place with Elegant Furinture UK; it is a personal right that nobody should be deprived of; although if there is a problem with this, informing quickly will be a priority.